Aurora, also known as "the Pagan Woman" as named by its sculptor, is a stunning white marble sculpture crafted by the renowned Polish artist, Zofia Trzcińska-Kamińska. This sculpture beautifully embodies Aurora, the goddess of the Aurora phenomenon and dawn. Depicted as a youthful, unclothed woman, she gazes longingly in search of the morning light.
Aurora, alternatively referred to as Eos, holds a significant place in mythology. According to ancient tales, this goddess with rosy fingers would open the gates of heaven for the sun chariot. In various works of art, she is often portrayed as a delicate and exquisitely beautiful figure.
Created in 1919, the statue found its home in the southern region of the Royal Łazienki park during the 1930s. It forms an integral part of the symbolic design of the Royal Łazienki. Stanisław August himself drew parallels between his own likeness and Apollo, the Sun god, depicted on the ceiling of the Royal Theatre in the Old Orangery.